标王 热搜: 北京公司注册  UV平板打印机  国际货运代理  ADSS光缆金具  抽油烟机清洗  指挥中心调度台  90717-16-1  岗亭  压力开关  国际货运代理有限公司 


品牌: 美国
型号: IQFlex
单价: 180000.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 6 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-03-31 17:48
浏览次数: 53


*: 美国Litepoint

Testing WiFi in Manufacturing

In order to test WiFi during manufacturing you need to analyze a device’s transmitted signals, send precisely structured signals to the device’s receiver and check its response, then compare both transmitted and received characteristics against the appropriate 802.11x standard. You assume that the design is correct, so you are looking for manufacturing defects. The user interface should be very simple, and the test program should be designed for fastest speed with minimal “false” positive or negatives. LitePoint’s IQflex is designed for fastest deployment in production and fastest, most accurate, WiFi testing.

Testing Bluetooth in Manufacturing
Bluetooth is increasingly included in a range of devices from laptops to mobile phones. The LitePoint IQflex provides support with API based interfaces for testing of Bluetooth 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 devices. A full range of Bluetooth transmit and receive tests can be performed. The multiple personalities of IQflex provides manufacturing-floor simplification and cost savings as WLAN and Bluetooth capabilities merge in consumer devices.

IQflex® 802.11a/b/g/n Test Solution
You use LitePoint IQflex®, an all-in-one test instrument, for manufacturing testing of 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN products, such as network interface cards, access points and embedded components. With the appropriate software option, IQflex can also be used to test Bluetooth-equipped devices.

IQflex integrates a vector signal analyzer (VSA) for analyzing device transmitted signals, and a vector signal generator (VSG) for injecting precisely structured signals into a device’s receiver.

The tester’s VSA, for example, replaces traditional spectrum analyzers and power meters, enabling you to analyze a device’s transmitter output and perform true error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements. The tester’s VSG replaces a discrete signal generator. The combination allows you to fully test whether the production unit meets the WiFi standard’s specifications. For complete product details see IQflex’s brochure and datasheet.

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