巴比型表面应力仪与以前的折射型应力仪相比,保持10倍的感应度,小型便携,性能优异。测定原理为美国ASTM标准中的GASP方法。 对于传统方法无法测量的微弱的应力可以进行*、高感度的测试,检测的人为误差很小。便携蓄电式,不受场所限制、测试面有小幅度弯曲时亦能测试。
测量范围:BTP-L:0-80Mpa BTP-H:0-150Mpa
分辨率: 1度 精度:±5%
光源:半导体激光光源 635nm 5mw
电源:4个AA电池 重量:1.5kg
This is compact and everyone can use and carry to everywhere. This can measure a curveture glass. ASTM C1279details the test methods for measuring surface and edge stresses in heat-treated and annealed glass. This BTP used for these procedures.
Range type:
BTP- L:0-80MP BTP- H:0-150MP
light source:Laser 635nm 5mw
Power source:4 batteries or AC line
Weight:1.5kg Length:100×140×150mm