标王 热搜: 北京公司注册  UV平板打印机  国际货运代理  ADSS光缆金具  抽油烟机清洗  指挥中心调度台  90717-16-1  岗亭  压力开关  国际货运代理有限公司 
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品牌: 耀德圣
规格: 80目 150目 200目 400目 600目 800目 2000目
单价: 120.00元/kg
起订: 1 kg
供货总量: 10000 kg
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2012-09-12 14:42
浏览次数: 84


4、工艺品行业:发光工艺画、发光水晶球、发光玻璃制品、发光水晶砂、发光彩陶、发光陶瓷、发光琥珀、  发光仿玉制品、发光内书工艺品等。  
1, Yao Desheng Ke technologies luminous powder color the conventional yellow green, blue green, day blue light, red light, white light, green light, orange light purple light, yellow light, orange, pink, pink, light green, fluorescent yellow, fluorescent green, fluorescent red, fluorescent blue color, any meet customer needs;
2, powder particle size the 90UM to from 5UM-(40 mesh 80 mesh, 150 mesh, 200 mesh, 300 mesh, 400 mesh, 600 mesh, 800 mesh 1000 mesh 1200 mesh 2000 mesh luminous powder) can be provided in which the same raw materials, powder and coarse brightness long time, to meet the high demands of the customers of the light-emitting; powder fine brightness slightly lower, but better dispersion, to make the product more smooth;
3, the luminous particles: we used yellow green particles, blue green particles days blue light particles, red particles, suitable for infusion Glass Crafts, the POLY crafts, transparent Ruanjiao luminous products.

Yao De Shengke technology luminous pigment luminous powder made luminescent product has a unique function, application fields and market a wide range, great commercial value, and the social and economic effects.
1, plastic, rubber, silicone, plastic, leather industry: light switches, buttons, handles, toys, crafts, gifts, shoes, hats accessories, costume jewelry, raincoats, safety helmets, stationery, labor supplies, etc., and has a decorative function variety of trim, layering, slip strips, crash bars, and other protective clothing.
2, ceramic, enamel, glass industry: finished products are widely used in industry, hydrology, transportation, property, and other scenic places, fire, security alerts, urban, rural public welfare undertakings, decoration, building materials, traffic signals, road signs, aisle instructions crafts.
3, paints, coatings, printing ink industry: finished goods can be applied to traffic pavement marking test, building, wall decoration, emergency signs, decoration, decorative, handicrafts and so on.
Handicraft industry: the luminous painting process, light-emitting crystal ball, luminous glass products, luminous crystal sand, luminous painted pottery, light-emitting ceramic luminous amber, light-emitting imitation jade products, luminous book crafts.
, Specialty printing industry: all kinds of luminescent ink, printing paste, foam pulp, ceramic decal, glass decal paper.
Provided free of charge: luminous powder use | Luminous Powder | phosphor Dosage Glitter Powder instructions | Bronze Powder Products | aluminum silver production technology | Xuehua Fen material of pearl powder Technical Support | reflective powder Product Description | Introduction | long The effective luminous powder with how to find the Yao Desheng Ke Technology

本信息来自耀德圣科技:www.ydxkj.com 转载请注明!

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