软件名称 :SURF3D
软件类型 :设计软件
硬件平台要求 :其他
属性 :1
1.CCR公司介绍位于美国加州,成立于1994年专注于高功率及真空电子学太赫兹领域目前提供产品频率覆盖1 GHz to 1 THz范围;功率覆盖毫瓦至兆瓦范围目前用户包括:NASA,JPL,CPI等2.产品介绍
CCR is recognized as a world leader in design codes for quasi-optical RF launchers for gyrotrons.
CCR SURF3D/LOT design suite revolutionized simulation of these devices, increasing launcher efficiencies from approximately 90% to 98% and higher.
This code suite is now used routinely in Europe, India, Japan, and the United States.
The suite uses optimization routines that produce designs with nearly zero diffraction loses and significantly higher Gaussian content than previous
SURF3D is the most precise design code in the world for modeling quasi-optical launchers. Its ability to accurately model complex structures has
been verified by numerous experimental measurements.
An example is shown in the below.