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品牌: 汽车抬头显示器
单价: 95.00元/台
起订: 1 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-12-09 14:35
浏览次数: 217

* :汽车抬头显示器

材质 :ABS

产地 :深圳

加工定制 :否

类型 :车载电脑显示器

型号 :A200

适用车型 :各类汽车 OBD2 接口

屏幕类型 :LED

屏幕尺寸 :3.5

外观尺寸 :90*54*12mm

颜色 :黑色

重量 :0.077

带宽 :1

分辨率 :高清

兼容性 :兼空

输入信号 :数据

显像管 :OBD2

制式 :no

货号 :A200

主要下游平台 :速卖通,亚马逊,ebay

主要销售地区 :欧洲,非洲,北美

是否跨境货源 :是

安装 :便携

接口 :OBD 2

用途 :显示汽车各类数据


HUD Main Features:

1.Plug and Play connectivity with any OBDII or EUOBD capable vehicle;

2. Screen 3.5 inch HD display

3.Multi-color design makes the screen more abundant and easier to read

4. Nano-technology to eliminate double reflections,more clear.

5.Rich Contents: speed,RPM,water temperature,voltage,low voltage alarm,high water temperature alarm,over speed alarm, fatigue driving alarm,freely switch between kilometers&miles.

6. Auto power on/off: HUD start and off with vehicle started and shutdown, effective protection of the car battery;retaining the manual switch mode,more easy to control HUD.

7. 5-level brightness adjustment,automatic and manual brightness adjustment mode

8.Automatic and manual adjustment for high water temperature alarm

9.Automatic and manual adjustment for low voltage alarm

10.Automatic and manual adjustment for fatigue driving alarm

Technical Parameters:

Environment temperature: -40c- + 80c atmospheric pressure 86-106KPa

Relative Humidity: 10% -95% environmental noise <= 60dB (A)

Alarm sound level: "= 30dB (A)

Working voltage: 9V ~ 16Vdc (12Vdc / 400mA)

HUD size: 9*5.4*1.2(cm)

HUD Weight: 40 g



Solution for Common Problems

1.The screen without any display,and no electricity

Start the car engine;check if the OBD cable line is tight;please pull down the OBD cables more times to ensure;check if HUD power switch turns on. If no display still,please change another car to test, analyze whether the car OBD diagnostic interface is good, if it is not good,please repair it and try again.



2.When HUD power on, HUD only shows the car voltage and be automatic power off after 30 seconds driving.

HUD just available for cars with OBD2 agreement and EU-OBD agreementEuropean region: after 03 years, Other region:after 07 years

HUD Products donnot support JOBD and OBDI and recommended test for another car.


3.See not clearly when HUD under the sunlight,and with double reflection.

Check whether the HUD host surface protective film is torn,and please stick the reflection film on the windscreen.And vertical press in the setting button for 5 seconds to enter into menu setting when HUD is power on,short press 2 times to menu 2,adjust the parameter to 5,vertical press in 5 seconds to save.


4.wrong operation lead to crashes. Or inaccurate datas

Do a reset setting.


5.Inaccurate Speed

a.First check the speed unit is correct or not, the speed unit including KM/H and MPH, short press in the wave button to switch between KM/H and MPH


b.When HUD is power on,vertical press the setting button for 5 seconds to enter into the menu options, find menu 1,the parameter shows 107,up or down the setting button to increase or decrease the value according to the difference until it shows correct one.After adjustment, vertical press in 5 seconds to save it.


6.HUD setting for ASS(Automatic start/stop system)

The default value for HUD shutdown time is 10 seconds,when the car is gas-electric hybrid and automatic start/stop system, you can delay the shutdown time in menu 10(from10 seconds extend to 180 seconds.)If still cannot work,please set the the power on voltage at 13.2v or 13.6v,which means the the HUD will turn off when the car voltage is less then 13.2v


7. HUD cannot power off or HUD can power off but re-start

Change the menu 9 value to any of one between 13.2V and 140V

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