数字式3D寻边器是更为**寻边器。 它用于铣床和电加工机床中工件的找正及工件原点的设置。 使得机床主轴或电极可快速定位于参考点,具体的数据将以数字的形式直接在显示器上显示。 当显示数据为 零时,表示机床主轴中心线与测量点重合,故此无需任何计算,机床坐标系就可直接设置。 The digital display has large numbers that measure in increments of 0,001mm. It can be easily read from a long distance (i.e. when mounted on a large machining center). The digital display is splash-proof and dust-proof and can be stored in the tool magazine of the machine.