标王 热搜: 北京公司注册  UV平板打印机  国际货运代理  ADSS光缆金具  抽油烟机清洗  指挥中心调度台  90717-16-1  岗亭  压力开关  国际货运代理有限公司 
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品牌: 众星石化研制生产供应销售
单价: 9790.00元/吨
起订: 19 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-12-02 18:43
浏览次数: 33

产地 :山东众星石油化工有限公司

是否进口 :否

类别 :滚动轴承润滑脂

型号 :0#00#000#1#2#3#

* :众星石化研制生产供应销售

锥入度 :合格

滴点 :合格

针入度 :合格

稠化剂类型 :锂基润滑脂

应用领域 :钢铁工业用脂

高温润滑脂.特种润滑脂企业*研制生产销售各种型号多功能长寿命通用润滑脂系列产品.特种型号高温润滑脂系列产品.轴承轮毂高温脂.机电轴承*润滑脂.黄油枪脂弹.磺基聚合脂.锂基脂.钠基脂.复合钙基脂.石墨钙基脂.二硫化钼系列润滑脂.盾构机机械工程设备润滑脂.HP高温脂.MP高温脂.BPW润滑脂.GF重负荷特种高温脂.HPTR多效特种高温脂.HXP极压复合润滑脂.7014轴承极压复合润滑脂.复合锂基脂.丝扣脂.螺纹密封脂.磺酸钙复合润滑脂.极压锂基脂.钡基脂.白色特种脂.轧辊脂.钢丝绳脂.石墨锂基脂.盾构机润滑脂.半流体润滑脂.热电厂机械高温脂.钢厂机械高温脂.隧道机械工程设备极压抗磨复合型合成高温润滑脂油膏.电梯升降机机械设备润滑脂.重负荷GF高温脂.矿山机械.水泥.煤矿机械润滑脂.石墨乳油膏、PVC防静电钢丝管.橡胶埋吸管.橡胶硫化促进剂.硬脂酸等化工系列产品。为客户提供OEM贴牌代加工服务业务。耳听为虚.眼见为实.百闻不如一见,真诚邀请亲临考察加盟合作。全国销售服务电话4006567118出口业务部电话05466870368销售部电话05466882688联系业务QQ号码1278240619系一家以各种型号通用润滑脂和特种型号高温润滑脂及国际贸易于一体的现代化综合性化工产品.橡胶产品.塑料产品.润滑油脂产品为一体的集团研制生产营销企业。公司成立以来,已与多家科研院所和国内外企业单位建立了长期合作关系,拥有一批德高*的研制*和*管理人才队伍。始终坚持以市场为导向,以科技进步求发展。生产、检测设备完善齐全,设备*,产品质量稳定可靠,产品技术不断更新模式,深受国内外市场和社会客商的赞誉,详情登录企业网站www.zhongxingshihua.com企业网址www.zhongrungroup.com放眼世界,公司已与国内外众多客商建立了良好的业务往来和深厚的友情,这是我公司长期以来诚信经营结出的硕果,在未来的发展中,我公司将以科学而*的管理降低产品成本,用*优产品,*优惠价格回报国内外市场用户,为客户提供OEM贴牌代加工服务业务。在共同发展互惠互利的基础上携手合作。详情登录企业网站www.zhongxingshihua.com企业网址www.zhongrungroup.com企业邮箱[email protected].销售部电话05466882688全国销售服务电话4006567118出口业务部电话05466870368,为市场客户提供OEM贴牌代加工业务部电话4006567118,耳闻之不如目见之.目见之不如足践之,诚邀亲临考察加盟合作.选择我们企业产品.包装品.生产机械设备.检验检测设备.产品化验器具.研制生产区域.办公区域做宣传推销广告平台,为市场客户提供*的服务,利用企业平台做广告销售推广开拓业务利益共赢。High temperature grease, special grease enterprise specialized production and sales of various types of multi-functional long-life general grease series products. The special type of high temperature grease series products. Wheel hub bearing high temperature grease. Senior electrical and mechanical bearing grease. Butter gun grease. Sulfo polymerization fat. Lithium base grease. Sodium based grease. Composite calcium base grease. Graphite calcium base grease. Molybdenum disulfide grease series. Grease of shield machine mechanical engineering equipment. HP high temperature grease. MP high temperature grease. BPW grease. GF heavy load of special high temperature grease. HPTR multi-effect of special high temperature grease. HXP compound extreme pressure grease. 7014 bearing compound extreme pressure grease. Compound lithium base grease. Thread grease. Thread sealing grease. The calcium sulfonate complex grease. The extreme pressure lithium base grease. Barium base grease. White special grease. Roll fat. Wire rope grease. Graphite lithium base grease. Grease of shield machine. Semi-fluid grease. Thermal power plant machinery of high temperature grease. Steel machinery high temperature grease. Tunnel mechanical engineering equipment extreme pressure antiwear composite synthetic oil of high temperature grease. The elevator elevator mechanical equipment grease. Heavy duty GF high temperature grease. Mining machinery. Cement. Coal mine mechanical grease. Steel tube graphite cream paste, PVC anti-static. Rubber suction. Rubber vulcanization accelerator. Stearic acid. The ancient Malone. Sulfur and other chemical products. To provide customers with the generation of OEM brand processing services business. Listening to the sounds of virtual. Seeing is believing. Seeing is believing, sincerely invited to join in cooperation. National sales service telephone 4006567118 export business department, sales phone 05466870368 05466870368 contact QQ number 1278240619 is a business with various types of general and special grease type high temperature grease and international trade in a body's modernized comprehensive chemical products. Rubber products. Plastic products. Lubricating oil products as one of the group to develop production and marketing enterprises. Since its establishment, has been with several scientific research institutes and enterprises both at home and abroad to establish a long-term relations of cooperation, has a group of highly respected senior research experts and senior management personnel. Always adhere to market-oriented, seek development by science and technology progress. Complete production, testing equipment complete, advanced equipment, stable and reliable product quality, product technology continuously updated model, deeply domestic and foreign merchants of praise, market and society login details enterprise web site,www.zhongxingshihua.com,www.zhongrungroup.comlook around the world, the company already with domestic and international numerous merchants established a good business relationship and deep friendship, this is my company the good faith management for a long time, but it bears fruit, in the development of the future, our company will with scientific and efficient management to reduce the product cost, with the best products, the most preferential price return users at home and abroad market, to provide customers with OEM OEM generation of processing services. In common development on the basis of mutual benefit cooperation hand in hand. Login details enterprise web site,www.zhongxingshihua.com,[email protected]. Sales calls 05466882688 national sales service phone 05466870368 4006567118 export sales department, to the customer provide the generation of OEM brand processing business telephone 4006567118, seeing is better than the listening. Listening to the foot of practice, we sincerely invite to join in cooperation. Choose our company product. Packaging products. Production of mechanical equipment. Inspection test equipment. Product test apparatus. The development and production area. Office area do promote advertising platform, provide a full range of services for the market customers, use a business platform for advertising sales promotion to develop win-win business interests.for advertising sales promotion to develop win-win business interests.

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