

  • 产品名称:团建
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 产品数量:1
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-05-22

"好-团建秉承安全、高效、专业的服务精神为你的团队建设提供新颖的创意,前沿的体验和圆满的收获,上海快职教育信息咨询有限公司,快职教育信息咨询,好-团建十年来以累计服务次数超过2000场次,包含主题团建、团队历练和文化体验三个模块: HAO - Regiment Construction It takes the spirit of safety, high efficiency and professional service to provide new ideas, advanced experiences and successful gains for your team building. In the past ten years, It has over 2000 times service including three modules: theme regiment construction, team experience and cultural experience. 主题体验 长征之路、沙盘推演 Thematic experience The road of Long March, sand plate deduction 团队历练 徽杭古道、骑行青海湖,徒步沙漠 Team experience Hui Hang ancient road, riding Qinghai Lake, hiking desert 文化体验 非洲鼓、养生道、太极禅、 Cultural experience African drum, health care Road, Tai Chi Zen" "好-团建秉承安全、高效、专业的服务精神为你的团队建设提供新颖的创意,前沿的体验和圆满的收获,好-团建十年来以累计服务次数超过2000场次,包含主题团建、团队历练和文化体验三个模块: HAO - Regiment Construction It takes the spirit of safety, high efficiency and professional service to provide new ideas, advanced experiences and successful gains for your team building. In the past ten years, It has over 2000 times service including three modules: theme regiment construction, team experience and cultural experience. 主题体验 长征之路、沙盘推演 Thematic experience The road of Long March, sand plate deduction 团队历练 徽杭古道、骑行青海湖,徒步沙漠 Team experience
Hui Hang ancient road, riding Qinghai Lake, hiking desert 文化体验 非洲鼓、养生道、太极禅、 Cultural experience African drum, health care Road, Tai Chi Zen" "好-团建秉承安全、高效、专业的服务精神为你的团队建设提供新颖的创意,金山区团建活动公司,更高能其他教育、培训,金山区团建活动公司,物有所值其他教育、培训,金山区团建活动公司,上海其他教育、培训公司,前沿的体验和圆满的收获,好-团建十年来以累计服务次数超过2000场次,包含主题团建、团队历练和文化体验三个模块: HAO - Regiment Construction It takes the spirit of safety, high efficiency and professional service to provide new ideas, advanced experiences and successful gains for your team building. In the past ten years, It has over 2000 times service including three modules: theme regiment construction, team experience and cultural experience. 主题体验 长征之路、沙盘推演 Thematic experience The road of Long March, sand plate deduction 团队历练 徽杭古道、骑行青海湖,徒步沙漠 Team experience Hui Hang ancient road, riding Qinghai Lake, hiking desert 文化体验 非洲鼓、养生道、太极禅、 Cultural experience African drum, health care Road, Tai Chi Zen"

注册时间: 2007-10-07
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