

  • 产品名称:年会
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 产品数量:1
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-05-22

"好-年会 HAO- Annual Meeting 主题策划-场地对接-灯光音响-舞美设计-现场执行 Theme planning- Site docking- Light and sound - Stage design - Site implementation 您的年会从此省时、省心不再烦恼。 Your annual meeting will save time and save your heart. 好恩体验是上海快职教育信息咨询有限公司的注册商标,上海快职教育信息咨询有限公司,快职教育信息咨询,公司成立于2007年,好恩定位为专业的体验式活动供应商,专注于企业家庭日、团队建设和企业年会,十年来为500多家客户提供了专业的体验式活动产品,深受客户好评和行业认可。 HOW TO WIN EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION is a registered trademark of Shanghai Vocational Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd. It was founded in 2007 and positioned as a professional experiential activity provider. It focuses on the business family day, team building, and the annual meeting of the enterprise. In the past ten years, it has provided professional experience products for more than 500 customers, which are well received by customers and approved by the industry." "好-年会 HAO- Annual Meeting 主题策划-场地对接-灯光音响-舞美设计-现场执行 Theme planning- Site docking- Light and sound - Stage design - Site implementation 您的年会从此省时、省心不再烦恼。 Your annual meeting will save time and save your heart. 好恩体验是上海快职教育信息咨询有限公司的注册商标,公司成立于2007年,好恩定位为专业的体验式活动供应商,徐汇区年会策划公司,价钱实在其他教育、培训,徐汇区年会策划公司,2019其他教育、培训策划,专注于企业家庭日、团队建设和企业年会,十年来为500多家客户提供了专业的体验式活动产品,徐汇区年会策划公司,创意其他教育、培训执行,深受客户好评和行业认可。 HOW TO WIN EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION is a registered trademark of Shanghai Vocational Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd. It was founded in 2007 and positioned as a professional experiential activity provider. It focuses on the business family day, team building, and the annual meeting of the enterprise. In the past ten years, it has provided professional experience products for more than 500 customers, which are well received by customers and approved by the industry." "好-年会 HAO- Annual Meeting 主题策划-场地对接-灯光音响-舞美设计-现场执行 Theme planning- Site docking- Light and sound - Stage design - Site implementation 您的年会从此省时、省心不再烦恼。 Your annual meeting will save time and save your heart. 好恩体验是上海快职教育信息咨询有限公司的注册商标,公司成立于2007年,好恩定位为专业的体验式活动供应商,专注于企业家庭日、团队建设和企业年会,十年来为500多家客户提供了专业的体验式活动产品,深受客户好评和行业认可。 HOW TO WIN EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION is a registered trademark of Shanghai Vocational Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd. It was founded in 2007 and positioned as a professional experiential activity provider. It focuses on the business family day, team building, and the annual meeting of the enterprise. In the past ten years, it has provided professional experience products for more than 500 customers, which are well received by customers and approved by the industry."

注册时间: 2007-10-07
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