The AD105N-1000 is a Digital Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable with
a 105°C (221°F) fixed temperature activation rating. It has a Nylon
sheath that provides additional UV protection and increased durability
for external applications and is supplied in 1000m lengths.
The AD range of digital sensor cables provides a very sImple fixed
temperature heat detection system which can be used in many
applications where other forms of detection are not suitable.
The AD range of digital LHD cables contains a pair of twisted, low
resistance, tri-metallic conductors sheathed with advanced
temperature sensitive polymers. The cable operates by softening the
insulation of the conductors, the tension of the twisted conductors then
causes the two cores to fuse together. The sensor cable provides a
sImple switch operation which when used with a combination of end-ofline
(EOL) monitoring and alarm trigger resistors can signal an alarm
to any fire monitoring equipment through any monitored input i.e.
conventional detection zone or addressable interface unit.
Location Control Unit
Additional to the LHD sensor cable, an optional digital location control
unit which monitors the sensor cable and can identify along the length
of the sensor cable where an alarm condition has occurred, is also
Cable fixings for all applications
A range of "edge" ,"A" , "P" , and "T" clips allow the cable to be properly
installed. The clips provide heat insulation as well as holding the cable
at the correct distance from cable trays, steel works, ceilings and
加强安全监管工作,开展沼气安全生产大检查。该镇开展对历年来建设的沼气工程、户用沼气和与沼气有关的各类场所进行重点检查。一是重点检查农村沼气生产经营单位安全生产主体责任落实情况及安全管理责任分解落实情况,进口阻燃感温电缆轨交厂家,原装进口其他交通安全设备,是否将沼气安全生产管理责任细化并分解到具体责任人,二是重点检查沼气安全事故应急预案制定和落实情况;三是重点检查安全标识的完整齐全、沼气输配管路系统的安全性、用户操作安全规范性及户内用气设备的安全性、进出料口盖板牢固性,进口阻燃感温电缆轨交厂家,阻燃控制电缆相关,以及沼气泄漏、用电检查,防溺水窒息。特别注意检查沼气贮气装置的避雷防爆、防火以及消防安全等;四是抓好沼液、沼渣、沼气综合利用的安全生产管理。对检查出的各种安全隐患要求立即整改,明确整改期限和责任人。并将检查结果报农业委备案。 处于天津市东丽区津塘公路245号的东联汽车用品中心将要重开。天津市东联汽车用品中心专营汽车精品、汽车内饰改装、高档精美饰品。据编辑了解到,这时店内正在为重开做紧锣密鼓地准备工作,期望能够给广大车迷带来一个更为新鲜的体验表示。 此外,店内还可以为全品牌车辆配备汽车高档用品编辑,包括音响、防爆膜、轮毂轮胎、真皮座椅、导航等等,进口阻燃感温电缆轨交厂家,原装进口其他交通安全设备厂家,提高车辆美观、实用、舒适度;并未车主的爱车进行内饰、外形整体翻新,售前和售后服务相结合,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,确保到店客户享受到更为完善的服务品质报道。 2017年11月14日下午,在深圳光明新区新羌社区美盈森工业园区举办了印刷企业消防安全应急演练,文体教育局郭峰局长,消防监督管理大队大队长陈朝晖,各办事处、安监局、公安消防大队相关负责人以及印刷行业负责人共300余人参加演练及现场观摩。演习结束后,新区文体教育局局长郭峰对演练进行点评,指出演练中存在的不足,并要求新区印刷企业要做好冬春的火灾防控工作,开展安全隐患排查,落实企业主体责任,加强对员工的消防知识培训,进一步提高企业消防安全管理能力。