The AD105N-1000 is a Digital Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable with
a 105°C (221°F) fixed temperature activation rating. It has a Nylon
sheath that provides additional UV protection and increased durability
for external applications and is supplied in 1000m lengths.
The AD range of digital sensor cables provides a very sImple fixed
temperature heat detection system which can be used in many
applications where other forms of detection are not suitable.
The AD range of digital LHD cables contains a pair of twisted, low
resistance, tri-metallic conductors sheathed with advanced
temperature sensitive polymers. The cable operates by softening the
insulation of the conductors, the tension of the twisted conductors then
causes the two cores to fuse together. The sensor cable provides a
sImple switch operation which when used with a combination of end-ofline
(EOL) monitoring and alarm trigger resistors can signal an alarm
to any fire monitoring equipment through any monitored input i.e.
conventional detection zone or addressable interface unit.
Location Control Unit
Additional to the LHD sensor cable, an optional digital location control
unit which monitors the sensor cable and can identify along the length
of the sensor cable where an alarm condition has occurred, is also
Cable fixings for all applications
A range of "edge" ,"A" , "P" , and "T" clips allow the cable to be properly
installed. The clips provide heat insulation as well as holding the cable
at the correct distance from cable trays, steel works, ceilings and
依据《电气用品安全法施行令》第九条,以下相关LED灯、LED灯具已成为管制对象:额定电压100V~300V,50Hz、60Hz,额定功率1W及以上、有一个金属灯头的LED灯泡;额定电压100V~300V,50Hz、60Hz,额定功率1W及以上的LED灯具(防爆灯具除外)。纳入管制的LED灯、LED灯具,圆形PSE测试所依据的安全和电磁兼容标准只有省令1项,省令2项的协调标准尚未出台,因此与LED相关的IEC标准不在《电气用品安全法》接受范围。日本通过分门别类进行抽查管制电气用品。目前,日本主要用E14、E26灯头,国内企业出口这类产品时需要注意灯头的规格。中国的大功率LED产品可以出口到日本,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,灯管出口到日本无需PSE认证,灯具、电源以及直流灯杯可以通过独立包装出口合理规避日本法规。 本公司生产及销售的防爆工具有360余个系列、5600多个规格。按日本标准JISM7002-96和中国标准GB10686-89检验,正宗进口阻燃感温电缆轨交施工,低烟无卤阻燃电缆相关,合格率100%。该产品能有效的防止工具与工作物相互摩擦。撞击时产生的可燃性爆 炸、确保国家财产和人身安全。广泛用于石油、化工、防恐怖、防磁场、煤矿、采油、采气、油气管道、发电、冶金、航空、储运、制药、制气、塑料、化纤、皮革、烟火、爆竹等行业。公司生产的高档钢制特种工具有60多个系列,1200多个规格。产品符合国家标准GB/T4388-4395-1995。敲击类工具设计完全符合德国DIN7444、DIN133标准。 昨日徐州贾汪境内在因素大雾分别发生4起交通追尾事故。 本报报道 编辑从江苏省徐州市政府得知,正宗进口阻燃感温电缆轨交施工,正宗其他交通安全设备施工,17日7时40分至8时许汽车配件网编辑,京福快速苏鲁交界徐州贾汪境内在因素大雾分别发生4起交通追尾事故据了解报道,涉及车辆60余辆,截至13时,事故共造成6人死亡、30多人受伤,其中6人重伤。 据描述,这4起交通追尾事故分别发生于京福快速贾汪境内多个不同地段。事故发生后,徐州市委、市政府要求全力救治伤员,尽快疏通现场,正宗进口阻燃感温电缆轨交施工,提供其他交通安全设备厂家,妥善处理事故。徐州市长张敬华率应急、公安、消防、卫生、安监等部门及当地党委政府管理人员和救援人员上路进行抢险救援,并陆续开展善后工作。 这时,现场救援和处置工作仍在进行中。